Specialty Lines
December 05, 2024
Insurance Litigation Week In Review
The Delaware Supreme Court will review 3M's bid for coverage in multidistrict litigation over defective earplugs, a California state appeals court relieved an insurer of covering a spa owner in an underlying sex abuse lawsuit, and a group of Hartford units said Proctor & Gamble isn't covered for underlying environmental lawsuits.
December 05, 2024
Airbnb Customers Drop 'Assistance Fee' Suit Against Insurers
A proposed class of Airbnb customers permanently dropped a suit accusing two of the company's insurance providers of violating Washington state law by charging an "assistance fee" when selling travel coverage.
December 04, 2024
P&C Insurers Post $4.1B Underwriting Gain In Big Reversal
The U.S. property and casualty insurance market recorded a $4.1 billion net underwriting gain in the first nine months of 2024, according to a report issued Wednesday by global credit rating agency AM Best, which called the turnaround a significant improvement from the prior year's $32.1 billion loss.
December 03, 2024
Fla. High Court Takes Up Ex-Marvel Exec's Hate Mail Dispute
The Florida Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to take up the question of whether former Marvel Entertainment chair Ike Perlmutter can request punitive damages in a case against his neighbor in a long-running defamation dispute over hate mail.
December 03, 2024
Insurance Execs Charged With $250M Fake Policy Scheme
An insurance company and two executives issued bogus insurance policies purporting to offer over $250 million in coverage to companies and homeowners, according to an indictment announced by the Manhattan district attorney Tuesday.
December 03, 2024
Ill. Panel Relieves Liberty Mutual Units Of BIPA Coverage
An Illinois state appeals court held that two Liberty Mutual units didn't owe coverage to a policyholder for an underlying class action alleging violations of the state's Biometric Information Privacy Act, reversing a lower court's decision surrounding the interpretation of a recording and distribution exclusion.
December 02, 2024
Consulting Firm Says Insurer On Hook For $7.6M Deal
A consulting firm told an Illinois federal court that its insurer must reimburse it for a $7.6 million settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice relating to a lawsuit accusing the firm of allowing personal information to be compromised, maintaining that the litigation fell within its policy's scope.
November 27, 2024
Burger King Franchisee Can Tap AIG For BIPA Suit, Eventually
An Illinois federal judge ruled Tuesday that an AIG subsidiary has a duty to defend a Burger King franchisee in a suit brought by employees claiming its timekeeping practices violated Illinois' biometric privacy law, but only after the limits of all other insurance have been exhausted.
November 27, 2024
Lender Seeks $1M Limit After Broker's Claim Notice Mistake
A lender assigned insurance rights by an underlying defendant as part of a $1 million settlement told a Florida federal court that it is still owed the defendant's $1 million limit even though the defendant's insurance broker failed to notify the correct carrier about the lender's lawsuit.
November 27, 2024
Co. Seeks $4.4M In Bad Faith Damages Over Developer Row
A collections company that was assigned insurance rights as part of settled, underlying litigation concerning a real estate development in Washington state told a federal court it's entitled to over $4.4 million in bad faith damages against an insurer, arguing the carrier prioritized its own interests ahead of its insured.
November 25, 2024
Construction Co. Seeks Coverage For $1.9M Email Spoof
A construction company told an Alaska federal court that a Travelers unit acted in bad faith by refusing to provide directors and officers coverage for an email spoofing scheme that caused the company to wire roughly $1.9 million of a partner construction company's funds to an "imposter."
November 22, 2024
Insurer Says Property Co. On Hook For $250K Cyber Theft
An insurer for a Washington condominium association told a federal court that a property management services company must reimburse the carrier for nearly $250,000 its insured lost after cybercriminals allegedly hacked into the management company's computer system and made payment requests from the condo association's bank account.
November 22, 2024
Chemical Co.'s PFAS Coverage Suit In SC Gets Tossed
A South Carolina federal court tossed BASF Corp.'s suit seeking coverage for thousands of underlying allegations that the chemical manufacturer's firefighting foam caused pollution and injury, finding Friday that a parallel suit in New Jersey state court favors abstention.
November 22, 2024
3 Takeaways From 6th Circ. ERISA Disability Benefits Revival
A recent Sixth Circuit ruling that handed a worker a new shot at long-term disability benefits gives a boost to plaintiffs battling caps on coverage for mental health conditions, attorneys say. Here, Law360 looks at three takeaways from the appeals court's decision.
November 21, 2024
Concerns Remain Over Pricing In Final Calif. Insurance Rule
Insurers in California will be able to price policies using catastrophe models meant to predict future climate risks, but they must adhere to one of several options for increasing coverage availability, under a final rule that has left lingering concerns. Here, Law360 provides a background and overview of the regulation on catastrophe modeling and ratemaking.
November 21, 2024
Trump Win Injects Uncertainty Into Volatile Cyber Market
President-elect Donald Trump's promises to pursue broad deregulation and realign the nation's geopolitical priorities add uncertainty into an already volatile cyberinsurance market, one in which threats have evolved substantially since his first term.
November 21, 2024
9th Circ. Affirms Reapportionment In Soil Cleanup Dispute
After the discovery of decades-old policies, an insurer is entitled to reapportionment in a contamination cleanup despite a cost-sharing agreement, the Ninth Circuit affirmed, asking a lower court in a decision released Thursday to also apply state law when revisiting the division of defense costs.
November 21, 2024
4 Federal Agencies Insurance Attys Must Watch Under Trump
As President-elect Donald Trump continues to build a cabinet for his second term in office, federal agencies are preparing for a transition to an administration that will de-emphasize regulation, which could result in fewer claims for insurers and more transactions for corporate policyholders, experts say. Here, Law360 takes a look at four federal agencies ripe for change that may have a ripple effect on insurance.
November 21, 2024
Insurance Litigation Week In Review
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to review a coverage dispute over a man's wood chemical exposure, the Eleventh Circuit affirmed that Lloyd's of London underwriters don't have to cover an investor suit and a California federal court said Truck Insurance Exchange must arbitrate its asbestos coverage claims. Here, Law360 takes a look at the past week's top insurance news.
November 21, 2024
11th Circ. Asked To Rethink $100M Credit For John Hancock
The Eleventh Circuit should reverse its decision allowing John Hancock Life Insurance Co. to keep $100 million in foreign tax credits that rightfully belong to the company's investors, trustees of a retirement plan said in arguing that the court overlooked a key U.S. Treasury regulation.
November 20, 2024
11th Circ. Says No Coverage For Holding Co. In $11.7M Row
The Eleventh Circuit unanimously affirmed Wednesday that an insurer doesn't have to cover underlying litigation against a holding company by investors who wanted to revoke an $11.7 million buy-in, because claims were made before the policy was active.
November 20, 2024
Burger King Franchisee Escapes BIPA Coverage Counterclaim
An Illinois federal judge has axed an AIG subsidiary's counterclaim in a Burger King franchisee's lawsuit seeking coverage for an underlying case accusing it of violating Illinois' biometric privacy law, concluding that the counterclaim is redundant and "adds nothing that will not be decided through resolution of the motions for summary judgment."
November 19, 2024
UnitedHealthcare Can't Escape Patient's Proton Beam Suit
A Florida federal judge on Tuesday refused to toss a federal benefits lawsuit from a patient who alleged that UnitedHealthcare wrongly denied him coverage for proton beam therapy to treat tongue cancer, rejecting the insurer's argument that an exclusion for unproven treatments applied.
November 19, 2024
Parties Voluntarily Toss Sewer Expansion Coverage Row
An Indiana federal court dismissed a lawsuit Tuesday from a utility company's insurer seeking to avoid covering a $5 million consent judgment and a $14 million damages claim from underlying litigation concerning a sewer expansion plan, after it was told in September the parties reached a global settlement in principle.
November 18, 2024
Pa. Lab Seeks Ad Coverage For Libel Suit Over COVID Tests
A Pennsylvania laboratory told a federal court Monday that its insurer must cover it in an underlying lawsuit brought by a COVID-19 test manufacturer in which the manufacturer alleged that the lab sent 19,000 letters to test kit users wrongfully stating that the tests were unreliable.
Expert Analysis
3 Policyholder Tips After Calif. Ruling Denying D&O Coverage
A California decision from June, Practice Fusion v. Freedom Specialty Insurance, denying a company's claim seeking reimbursement under a directors and officers insurance policy for its settlement with the Justice Department, highlights the importance of coordinating coverage for all operational risks and the danger of broad exclusionary policy language, says Geoffrey Fehling at Hunton.
M&A In The AI Era: Key Deal Terms To Watch
As the artificial intelligence market matures, so will due diligence needs, as M&A deals aimed at consolidation and new synergies raise unique legal and regulatory challenges, including potential antitrust and national security reviews, say attorneys at Skadden.
Purdue Ch. 11 Ruling Reinforces Importance Of D&O Coverage
The U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma, holding that a Chapter 11 reorganization cannot discharge claims against a nondebtor without affected claimants' consent, will open new litigation pathways surrounding corporate insolvency and increase the importance of robust directors and officers insurance, says Evan Bolla at Harris St. Laurent.
Del. Bankruptcy Ruling Will Give D&O Insureds Nightmares
In Henrich v. XL Specialty Insurance, the Delaware Bankruptcy Court recently found that a never-served qui tam claim had been "brought" before a D&O policy's retroactive date, thereby eliminating coverage, and creating a nightmare scenario for directors and officers policyholders facing whistleblower claims, says David Klein at Pillsbury.
Takeaways From Justices' Redemption Insurance Decision
The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Connelly v. U.S. examines how to determine the fair market value of shares in a closely held company for estate tax purposes, and clarifies how life insurance held by the company to enable redemption of a decedent’s shares affects that calculation, says Evelyn Haralampu at Burns & Levinson.
Reps And Warranties Insurance Considerations As M&A Slows
The first six months of the year have seen increasingly favorable rates and policy terms for the representations and warranties insurance market, and policy purchasers are right to pay close attention to pricing, coverage, exclusions, structures and claims as the M&A market cools, say attorneys at Cooley.
8th Circ. Insurance Ruling Spotlights Related-Claims Defenses
The Eighth Circuit’s recent Dexon v. Travelers ruling — that the insurer must provide a defense despite the policy’s related-acts provision — provides guidance for how policyholders can overcome related-acts defenses, say Geoffrey Fehling and Jae Lynn Huckaba at Hunton.
Managing Legal Risks After University Gaza Protests
Following the protests sparked by the war in Gaza, colleges and universities should expect a long investigative tail and take steps to mitigate risks associated with compliance issues under various legal frameworks and institutional policies, say Wiley's Diana Shaw and Colin Cloherty.
An Insurance Coverage Checklist For PFAS Defendants
With PFAS liability exposures attracting increased media attention, now is a good time for companies that could be exposed to liability related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances to review existing and past insurance policies, and consider taking proactive steps to maximize their likelihood of coverage, say attorneys at Nossaman.
Key Lessons From Recent Insurance Policy Reform Litigation
A review of recent case law reveals the wide range of misunderstandings that may arise between insurers and policyholders in the purchase and renewal of insurance policies, as well as the utility — and the limits — of reformation and related remedies for these misunderstandings, say Jad Khazem and Seth Tucker at Covington.
Insurer Quota-Sharing Lessons From $112M Bad Faith Verdict
In Indiana GRQ v. American Guarantee and Liability Insurance, an Indiana federal jury recently issued a landmark $112 million bad faith verdict, illustrating why insurers must understand the interplay between bad faith law and quota-sharing before entering into these relatively new arrangements, say Jason Reichlyn and Christopher Sakauye at Dykema.
Exploring An Alternative Model Of Litigation Finance
A new model of litigation finance, most aptly described as insurance-backed litigation funding, differs from traditional funding in two key ways, and the process of securing it involves three primary steps, say Bob Koneck, Christopher Le Neve Foster and Richard Butters at Atlantic Global Risk LLC.
Leveraging Insurance Amid Microplastics Concerns
A pending microplastics lawsuit — New York v. PepsiCo Inc. — may be a harbinger of what is to come for companies whose products are exposed to the environment, so any company considering how to address microplastics liability should include a careful assessment of the potential for insurance coverage in its due diligence, say attorneys at Haynes Boone.